Aki Backman, Grace Church NYC
Arthur Nager, Building Study, Ansonia, CT 2021
Britt Anderson, Sunlight and Storm Clouds, Mont-Saint-Michel, France
David Fonda, Regent Palace
Douglas Seigars, Bridge, Hubei Province
Emilia Kashfian, The Parking Lot Series, #1
Eric M. Renard, Empire in the Clouds
Grant Sorenson, Winter’s Peak
Harry von Stark, Bent Pines
John Diephouse, Ascension
John O'Neill, Untitled
Justin Martin, Back Stairs
Leah Steinberg, Rainbow at the Bottom of the World - Patagonia
Leland Smith, 32 Stories Straight Down
Louise Fiore, Mobilgas
Michael Kelly-DeWitt, Giants
Shanna O'Connor, Racine
Ronen Golan, Winter Alpine Sunset, France
Robert Long, Reliquary
Shelley Doss, Liberty Cash Grocer
Thomas Winter, Sierra Talc, Owens Lake, CA
Tom Kostes, The Old Barn
Trevor Farrell, Fremont Bridge
William Mark Sommer, Forgotten Paths